The Today Show recently reported that over 3 million Americans are now using acupuncture. It is rapidly becoming one of the most popular alternative medical techniques practiced in the world. As for physical therapy, most people associate it with sports or work-related injuries; however, there are multitudes of health issues in which physical therapists help people function in a pain-free manner and improve their over-all quality of life.
There are more than 20 different conditions that can be treated with acupuncture. In 2007, a National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) was administered by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) and the Center for Disease Control’s National Center for Health Statistics. It discovered that the demand for acupuncture services is continuing to flourish, something we are continuing to see at all our offices but especially our newest – Barnegat.
The WHO conducted a study concerning the effectiveness of acupuncture when treating frozen shoulder, among many other medical issues. The research concluded that pain was managed better with acupuncture; however, acupuncture combined with physical therapy showed the best over-all results.
Jangwon Yoon, Li Ac, our Barnegat office acupuncturist helps get to his patients’ root of pain. Isabelle Ku, MPT, our Barnegat office physical therapist, helps manage her patients’ conditions, improve their mobility, and lessen or get rid of their pain. Each of these practitioners is gentle and thorough.
Our Barnegat office located at 175 Gunning River Road in Ocean County New Jersey, opened in March 2014. Since, it has made integrated care more easily accessible for Northeast patients who reside in Southern Ocean County and are suffering with back pain, neck pain, auto accident injuries, and more. Our doctors and clinicians strive to be on the cutting edge of medical research and are dedicated to providing patients with the most advanced forms of healthcare.
Schedule an appointment for acupuncture or physical therapy at Northeast Barnegat.