10 Simple Tips to Manage Your Chronic Pain

Dr. Dimitrios Lambrou Aug 30, 2016
The National Institutes of Health reports that 1 our of every 4 Americans will suffer from pain that lasts for longer than 24 hours at some point in their lives, and if you're one of the more than 75 million people faced with chronic pain, you know how the discomfort can interfere with your daily life. Fortunately, it is often possible to manage chronic pain with the right treatment plan. These tips can help you get on the path to better pain management:
  1. Stay Active.
Pain can lead you to avoid exercise, which can end up reducing circulation and worsening inflammation, causing a vicious cycle. Completing a regular fitness routine approved by your medical provider can help to alleviate pain and improve your mental outlook.
  1. Take a Breath.
Deep, cleansing breaths can work wonders for reducing pain. When the discomfort interferes with your daily activities or ability to rest, try closing your eyes and focus on your breathing for a few minutes.
  1. Try Acupuncture and Massage.
Massage therapy and acupuncture are both proven complementary treatments for chronic pain. You can visit a professional practitioner or use massage tools at home to improve circulation and ease many types of discomfort. At Northeast Spine and Sports Medicine, we offer acupuncture treatment at our offices in Aberdeen, Barnegat, Jackson, Manchester, and Point Pleasant.
  1. De-Stress.
The mind and body are closely connected, and elevated stress levels have been found to worsen pain. Something as simple as a relaxing bath, using CBD such as a hemp flower or lying in a dark room to de-stress after a long day can go a long way toward reducing pain.
  1. Be an Active Patient.
Taking an active role in your pain management care can help improve outcomes. Keep a pain journal and give detailed reports to your health care practitioner, so that you can determine what's working for you and what isn't. Ask the Doctors Myrtle Beach questions and don't be afraid to say you need more help if your current treatment plan isn't doing enough to give you relief.
  1. Go to Class.
Studies have found that yoga, tai chi and guided meditation can all be beneficial for individuals dealing with chronic pain. Sign up for a class in your area and try one of these alternative remedies for yourself. Attending a class will also give you a chance to form new friendships for your emotional and mental health.
  1. Explore Natural Remedies Safely.
Herbal remedies and vitamins have been shown in some studies to alleviate various types of pain. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health recommends that those with chronic pain seek the help of a licensed medical provider to ensure safety when exploring these types of alternative interventions.
  1. Talk It Out.
Talking about the emotional, mental and physical effects of pain can break down the isolated feeling that many people faced with daily discomfort can feel. Don't be afraid to talk to family and friends or to seek the help of a licensed therapist, counselor or psychologist.
  1. Accept Help When It's Offered.
When people offer to help or ask if there is anything that they can do, take them up on the offer. Accepting assistance with things like running errands, cleaning and preparing meals can give you some time to relax, de-stress and take care of yourself.
  1. Try Cold Laser Therapy.
Cold Laser Therapy is a non-invasive clinical intervention that has been proven to alleviate many types of chronic pain. Using low levels of laser light, the therapy stimulates healing and alleviates inflammation without exposing the body to heat or needles. To learn more about cold laser therapy in New Jersey and find out if you're a good candidate for the procedure, complete our Contact Form today.